Learning to become my own advocate was not an easy thing for me to understand. Not to sound overly dramatic but it took losing my son to fully understand that the life you are given is yours alone. Not one doctor or person, regardless of their skill or talent level, is every going to fully […]
*Contains a lot of oversharing and graphic descriptions which may not be for everyone. Please read at your own risk* Bleeding non-stop after Dr. S dilated me (normal) … I really just was not into the “chucks” aka the hospital pads. They were so insanely uncomfortable. They were sweaty, stuck to me and just made […]
Upon arriving in Good Samaritan, Devin and I parked, walked into the hospital and rode the elevator up to the 6th floor in silence. We checked in and Devin was told to wait in the waiting room until I got checked in. I was taken to my room and told to undress, put on a robe, slippers, and was given a bag for my clothes. I got settled in and waited for the nurse.
Hi, I'm Katelyn Gambler